Proposed changes to the Council Tax Support Scheme for Reading 2018/19

Closed 1 Jan 2018

Opened 29 Nov 2017


Why are we consulting about the Council Tax Support Scheme?

Reading Borough Council continues to face the challenge of the most difficult budget position in its history. Demand for key Council services - like caring for vulnerable adults and children - is rising at a time of unprecedented and sustained cuts in funding for Local Government nationally.

In Reading, Government funding will have been cut from £58 million between 2010 and 2020, leaving the Council with a Government grant of under £2 million. 75 pence of every £1 of business rates collected locally now leaves the town goes to Central Government. The on-going budget gap means the Council is continuing to have to make difficult decisions in every service area.

This means we are now considering changes to our Council Tax Support Scheme for 2018 to identify further savings where we can. This is just one of many options the Council will have to make decisions about. The Council will make a final decision at the end of February 2018.

If we want to make changes to the CTS Scheme we need to ask you about it first.  We want to hear the views of everyone, this will ensure that you have had your say and have helped us shape any potential changes to our Scheme should we need to make them early in April 2018.

We need to hear from you to ensure that we make the best possible use of the money we have available whilst still providing some support to those on lower incomes.


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