Redlands 20mph zone enhancements

Closed 17 Dec 2020

Opened 2 Dec 2020


 A number of Transport-related schemes have received funding from local Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) contributions. One such scheme focussed on improving motorist compliance to the existing 20mph zone in Redlands Ward, noting that Kendrick Road is also partially in Katesgrove Ward.

 While the original 2016 scheme has brought a positive impact on reducing vehicle speeds, it is unfortunate that instances of motorist non-compliance continue in areas of the zone. The allocation of this local CIL funding has provided the Council with an opportunity to revisit the area, review the existing measures and challenges and to consider the most effective application for this funding, in achieving greater compliance with the 20mph speed limit.

 We have concluded that introducing a range of physical traffic calming features across a relatively wide area of the zone is expected to bring the greatest improvement in motorist speed compliance. Such features provide a long-term solution that is also not significantly burdensome on the Council’s maintenance budgets and will be effective at all times.

 Many of these proposed features require statutory consultation, while others do not. However, the Council is extending this consultation to welcome any feedback that you may have about elements of the scheme, so that this may be considered also.

 It is intended that the implementation of any new features will occur only once the feedback from the consultation is considered and the resulting scheme agreed. The decision is intended to take place at the Council’s Traffic Management Sub-Committee meeting, to be held on 14th January 2021.

Further information about the types of measures proposed

 The proposals contain a variety of different measures, which can be viewed on the plans available on this webpage. The below information provides further detail and explanation of these proposed features:


The proposals include speed humps, which are one of the most effective measures for reducing vehicle speeds. They also include speed cushions, where it would be inappropriate for full humps due to the streets being on scheduled bus routes.

The humps and cushions are proposed to be installed to a height that is appropriate to the low 20mph speed limit (88mm ± 12mm).

Priority-Flow Traffic Islands (Redlands Road)

These features are designed to slow motorists by breaking the traffic flow, requiring motorists to look ahead and slow, or even stop, to let opposing traffic pass. The proposals intentionally provide two such features with opposing priorities.

These features are located away from major junctions and are not expected to significantly increase journey times across the surrounding network.

Junction Island (Allcroft Road)

At the junction of Allcroft Road and Kendrick Road, it was observed that motorists were cutting across this junction. It is a wide junction and as such, the ability to cut across it did not encourage motorists on Kendrick Road to slow significantly before undertaking the manoeuvre.

By placing a relatively small island in this junction, it will force approaching motorists to turn at a steeper angle, which will necessitate them slowing on approach.

‘Rubber Kerbing’ Build-Outs (Kendrick Road)

Additional on-street parking bays were implemented to act like build-out’s and pinch-points, intended to encourage compliance with the lower 20mph speed limit. The locations of these bays are still considered as appropriate in achieving this, but the effect is reliant on there being vehicles parked in them.

Recent observations have shown that there are many vacant spaces at any given time, for which the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to be partially responsible.

It is proposed that a number of small build-outs be introduced in appropriate locations where traffic is approaching these parking bays. While the build-outs will be within the bay, they are narrow, so will not remove a significant length of available parking.

When implemented, it is intended that these build-outs will have a similar effect on approaching traffic as a parked car – the motorist will have to drive around, not through, the beginning of the bay.

These build-outs will be supplemented by a reflective bollard and hatched road markings on approach. It is expected that these features, while being visible to oncoming traffic, will be aesthetically low-impact in the area.

It is possible that future parking levels will increase and these features can be removed, with the products being redeployed to other schemes. It is also possible that future funding could provide opportunities for the installation of alternative feature designs.

Pinch-point (Redlands Road)

This proposed feature still leaves sufficient carriageway width for the two-way passing of traffic, however, narrowing the road will make this feel less ‘comfortable’ to do at speed. This feature is also intended to deter speeding and generally lower vehicle speeds.

20mph Repeater Signs

To visually reinforce the 20mph speed limit at a relatively low cost, it is proposed that repeater signs are erected on existing street furniture (e.g. existing posts and lamp columns), primarily focussing on the following roads:

  • Addington Road
  • Alexandra Road
  • Allcroft Road
  • Craven Road
  • Eastern Avenue
  • Eldon Road
  • Elmhurst Road
  • Erleigh Road
  • Kendrick Road
  • Morgan Road
  • Redlands Road
  • Upper Redlands Road

Refreshing ‘20’ Roundels (subject to funding)

It is expected that the aforementioned features will likely fully spend the allocated budget. If there is any remaining budget, it is proposed that this will be used to refresh the painted ‘20’ roundels on the carriageway, prioritised in locations where new physical measures are installed.


Drawings and relevent documents can be found at the bottom of this page.

We are now carrying out statutory consultation on these changes. Objections or comments should be sent in by:

  • Filling out the online survey below
  • Emailing
  • Or in writing to M Graham, Head of Legal and Democratic Services, Reading Borough Council, Civic Offices, Reading, RG1 2LU

 by no later than 17th December 2020. For any queries concerning these proposals please contact Network Management on 0118 939 72101.





  • Redlands